Free technician visits

Why pay 200-250 for every visit? Get free visits for all devices

All gadgets and appliances covered

90+ device types across ALL brands, no questions asked.

Zero labour charge with free doorstep pick and drop

No surprises with labour charges. Hassle free service sitting at home.

Genuine parts with post repair warranty

90 days warranty on repair. Additional discount of 20% on parts above 5000.

Get in touch to protect your gadgets and appliances

To save upto 40% costs on gadget and appliance repairs and receive discounted spares at ₹599/quarter, drop in your details. We will reach out to you soon.

Ola Insure Home Device Secure is applicable for 3 months or 1 year from the date of purchase depending on the plan

A customer can raise any number of claims/service requests for a device covered under Zopper Device Secure, However, all costs pertaining to spares shall be borne by the customer. Additionally, customer can avail 20% discount on all spares

Yes, Zopper Device Secure can be cancelled with a full refund within 15 days of purchase of the plan

All devices and appliances in your house are covered in this plan. As and when any breakdown happens, the claim can be raised. A maximum of five different devices can be repaired within one year. The selection of home appliances/electronic devices will solely be at the customer’s discretion

Yes, you can buy a device secure for this product.

You will only be charged for the cost of PCB (20% discount can be availed), repair and service cost will not be charged

No, the mixer grinder will be picked from the registered adddress to the Authorised Centre for repairing purpose

Yes, you get an unlimited free pick and drop for all small appliances/ electronic devices/ mobile phones. In this case the mobile phone will be picked up and delivered for free.

You will be provided with free pickup and drop for both the small appliances. Under the Device Secure plan, you get an unlimited free pick and drop service for all small appliances/electronic devices.

No, any maintenance or dry service/wet service, etc. are not covered under the plan